An Eco Award for our Eco Committee

The Student Environmental Committee is delighted to announce that they were successful in achieving the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag award!
The group, led by Freddie Short (Student Union’s Eco and Sustainability Executive), developed an Action Plan and Environmental Review, which involved investigating how the college can increase biodiversity, recycling and reduce litter. Students have since planted a wildflower meadow, almost 100 hedge plants and installed many bird feeders, with more hedge planting planned for later this year.
And the action didn’t top there! The Plan has also led to an increase in recycling facilities across the campus, with new stationary bins leading to over 5000 pens being recycled in the first year of the scheme. Collection points are available in many classrooms and the library. Students also planned the successful Green Week in March, undertaking litter picks and fundraising for the RSPB through the sale of their pin badges (available at the college reception). First year students undertook the new Carbon Literacy Certificate during Wider Skills Week, which is also being introduced as a Progression Pathway for second year students.
Are you passionate about the environment? Students wishing to join the student Environmental Committee can meet the group on Fridays at 12:50 in O203 – new members are very welcome!