An example day in Katie's timetable

Period 1 & 2 - Private Study
I don’t need to be in College until period 3 today, so I am spending the first couple of hours of my day studying at home. We have pre-reading to do for Biology (P3) and I will get this done during this time. I like the flexibility my College timetable offers throughout the week as it means I can juggle other interests and commitments – like football and fitness.

Travel to College
After spending a couple of hours studying at home, it’s time to go to College for classes. It’s a short walk to the station and then a quick 15-minute train ride to Thames Ditton. I usually bump into friends on the train and we continue a chat on the short walk to College.

Period 3- Biology
I really enjoy the hands-on practical side of biology and we get a practical opportunity in nearly every lesson. My teachers, Ed Jones and Rebecca Giarraputo, are passionate about their subject and provide an exciting range of resources to access, beyond the lesson.
I like how we begin the lesson in our own time with pre-reading and research. We then come to class ready to discuss it in-depth and then build on that knowledge. I think it really maximises our lesson time.

I have made lots of new friends at Esher and love catching up with everyone at lunchtime. We either stay on campus and grab something to eat the café or pizza bar. Other times we will walk around to the Co-op and get something there. Sitting out on the field when it’s sunny is a popular choice!

Period 5 - Psychology
It’s time for Psychology. I am fascinated by Psychology and love that I could choose to do it as an A Level. We explore some cool topics and it’s interesting to see how it applies to our everyday life. The workload is comfortable if you manage your lesson and independent study time effectively. The teachers are very supportive.
We got to be part of a Psychological Study that was being run by a university student.

A 15-minute break to grab a drink or snack.

Period 6 - History
I like how at Esher you can choose a specific area to study. I chose Communist States in the Twentieth Century. There is a lot of reading as you would expect, but if you’re really interested in it then it’s easy to stay motivated and on top of it.

Home Time
Last lesson of the day finishes at 4:15pm. Most students head home, but if you need somewhere quiet to finish off some work or study, the Learning Resource Centres stay open until 5:15pm on Monday and Tuesday, 4:30pm on Wednesday and Thursday, and 4:15pm on Fridays.