Creative Excellence
Many students come to Esher with a creative talent and a passion to perform at the highest level. We seek to cultivate these talents and help students flourish.

Within the creative arts departments, our staff have strong links with industry and often come from industry backgrounds or are practising in their field. This means they can offer students invaluable insights and guidance, rooted in real life experience. High achieving students are encouraged to take our Creative Arts Portfolio course as their extension study choice, which aims to support students applying for specialist university programmes. We also offer College Band, Choir and College Production options for students to practice their craft. Drama, Music, Performance and Dance students are offered support in preparing for auditions at prestigious institutions including RADA, LAMDA and top conservatoires.
Music, Drama and Theatre run several trips to the theatre, concerts, the opera and various drama and music workshop all year long. The music department offers all students with musical abilities opportunities to participate in a variety of performances, Open Mics and music workshops throughout the year, where they can practise and exhibit their talent.
Suggested Excellence@Esher pathway which are open to all students:
- Creative Arts Portfolio
- Theatre Workshop
- Illustration Workshop
- Advanced Music Theory
- College magazine
- Sports teams
- Community Sports Leader Award
The dance department inspired me with their passion for analysing dance pieces and shows. They encouraged me to go beyond the surface of choreographies.”
Eli, dance graduate from the Institute of the Arts, Barcelona
Media students are encouraged to push and challenge themselves for grades they deserve. This encouragement and support is carried on into guidance and advice in terms of continuing education. After talking with my tutor and teachers, I decided I want to develop my knowledge of English and Media in more depth through online courses. I also plan to carry on building my digital art business, before going to university and continuing my studies.”
Maddy, currently taking a GAP Year before studying Media at university.