Last week was Green Week at Esher College and individual displays were put up by departments around the College to raise awareness of environmental issues and sustainability. Each day the Eco team and the Student Union focused on promoting and raising awareness of different topics. On day one the Student Union started the week off by challenging students and staff not to buy anything plastic for the whole week. Day two was ‘leave your car at home day’ and the Student Union encouraged everyone to either come to College using public transport or walk. On day three the focus was on saving paper and the Student Union were questioning whether students really need to use paper and print it. Day four was ‘Bring in your own coffee cup’ day and students were encouraged to cut down on the huge amount of waste produced every day by the number of coffees sold in disposable cups. At the end the week, staff and students were invited to a film screening of Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet 2.