Meet a College Counsellor
Meet Viv Louizos, one of our three counsellors at the College.
![Viv Louizos Photo 1](
- Name: Vivien Louizos
- Position: Student counsellor
- Joined Esher: 1989, but at that time I was an Economics teacher.
When and why did you decide to be a counsellor?
When I joined Esher there was no counselling service. It wasn’t common in schools and colleges at that time. The Principal gave me the opportunity to train and set up a service. I got hooked on the training and never stopped. So I fell into it really.
I’d been a teacher for many years before then and really enjoyed enthusing students with subjects I was passionate about, and maybe setting them on a path for life.
Counselling is satisfying in a different way but also hopefully helping people towards a better future.
What or who inspired you to work in a sixth form college?
It just evolved. I started by teaching in secondary schools but always enjoyed teaching “A” Levels the most.
What achievement are you most proud of?
That’s a really difficult question! I would like to say my two daughters (both past students at Esher), but I can’t take credit for them. They are their own achievement. Professionally I suppose it would be establishing the Psychology Department, and the counselling service at Esher.
What teacher inspired you the most?
My History teacher at secondary school. In those ‘far off’ days teachers used to just dictate notes, and write on the (chalk) board. Yes really! But this teacher actually got us excitedly discussing, and debating – and though she usually went off topic – it got me thinking “I’d love to do that.”
What book or film has inspired you the most?
That’s also really difficult. I love films, and I have been watching them since I first went to a cinema aged nine, but there are so many great ones I can’t pick just one. Same goes for books.
Though the novel called The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran, has some rare wise words.
What words of wisdom would you give your 16-year-old self?
That’s an easier one. There’s always a Plan B or even a Plan Z, which may turn out better than the Plan A you thought you wanted.
Read more about Student Health & Wellbeing at Esher