Meet Your Student Union
Well hello everyone! Esher Sixth Form College Student Union here, we’ve had lots of fun filled moments in our first term in the role, and we have more to come! But first we want to introduce ourselves a bit…

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Here at the Student Union we run, and help on events, stalls, and other fun things to make everyone’s experience at the college as enjoyable as we can. Some of you may have seen us in our purple shirts last year or at the Introduction Days or even at college events and stalls, but even if you haven’t yet – do come up to say hi and let us know if there are any issues you want to raise with us or an idea about an event. We are always happy to help and try and make everyone’s college experiences great here at Esher.
We were elected in our first year and have had an amazing first term. We took over from the previous Student Union in May and we hit the ground running and began a range of events as soon as we could. We held a doughnut sale where we managed to raise money for our college charity (ECAT – Esher College Africa Trust), and we also supported the GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) where we are raising money for ‘The Trevor Project’ by selling a wide variety of Pride related items such as pins, flags, and rainbow shoelaces.
We had a fantastic time at the Summer Fair, which included loads of fun fair rides, food, live music and even a Ferris wheel, and we are hoping everyone is looking forward to our next one! We hope we can see everyone at our next few events which will be coming soon!
A great place to find information and updates on everything SU related and get in touch if you need is on the @esherstudentunion Instagram page (we’d always appreciate a follow) and don’t be afraid to contact us in person or on Teams about anything you want . See below on how to contact us.
Read more about our Fresher’s Fair in September.
Meet the SU

- SU President: Carl Egginton (he/him)
- Studying: Politics, Economics, French
- Fun Fact: Supports Chelsea FC
Contact me at

- Vice President and Treasurer: Ross Robinson (he/him)
- Studying: Politics, History and 3D Design
- Fun Fact: Ross plays Rugby (even played for the college team)
Contact me at

- Events and Charities Executive: Jake Heavens (he/they)
- Subjects: Politics, Philosophy and Film
- Fun Fact: Jake is a video and sound editor
Contact me at

- Equality and Welfare Executive: Jay Kane (they/them)
- Studying: English Literature, Psychology, Philosophy
- Fun Fact: Jay is a blue tag in Taekwondo
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- Eco and sustainability Executive: Freddie Short (He/him)
- Studying: Geography, Psychology, Maths
- Fun Fact: Freddie plays volleyball (really well!)
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- Marketing and Communications Executive: Liam Gunning (he/him)
- Studying: Politics, History, Business
- Fun Fact: I’m the one writing this
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