​From November 2020, there will be a vacancy for a parent representative on the College Board of Trustees.  Any parent of a current 6.1 student, or prospective student for September 2020, may offer themselves for election.  Parents serve for a term of two years, irrespective of how long their daughter or son remains at the College.  We would encourage you to take this opportunity to become closely involved in the organisation of the College and, if you would like to informally discuss the duties and commitments of a Trustee, please contact Sharon Kelly (skelly@esher.ac.uk), the Deputy Clerk to the Board of Trustees, at the College.  If required, Sharon can send you a nomination form or put you in contact with an existing Trustee, so that you are able to gain an accurate picture of the commitment involved.  We will require completed nomination forms to be returned to the College by Monday 14th September 2020.