A Level, BTEC & GCSE Results, Support & Post Results Services

How will I get my results?
Your results will be available on your college portal on Thursday 20 March from 8.00am.
To access them go to your College Portal and Exams/Results
You will need to present your results when enrolling at university, further education college, or when starting a new job. You are therefore strongly advised to save a pdf version of your results onto a personal device, or print a hard copy, as your account on the college portal will be closed from the end of September.
Certificates will be dispatched in November 2025 with all other external examination certificates.
When will my exam results be released?
January BTEC results will be released to students through the College Portal at 8.00am on Thursday 20 March 2025.
Second-year leavers are strongly advised to print or save a copy of their results immediately when they are received as they will only be able to access the College Portal until the end of September.
What can I do if I didn't get the results I was expecting?
Following the publication of results, there are a range of services available to query a result or to obtain exam scripts.
Post Results Services requests should be made and paid for via the student database (under the Exams tab and ‘Services’). These services are not available via email or over the telephone.
There are charges for all services and strict deadline dates, some very soon after the publication of results. A useful information sheet explaining all services, costs, deadline dates, and the circumstances in which they should be used, together with important guidance, can be found below:
Post Results Services Information
If you have a query about results or need anything explained, please contact the Exam Office via postresults@esher.ac.uk. Providing your personal email address is essential for any future communications with the College.
Please be aware that coursework or non-examined assessment (NEA), work that is marked internally and then moderated by an exam board, are not included in Post Results Services. This includes the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). If an exam board changes marks through the moderation process, the college can appeal that change by requesting re-moderation, however, that would be for a whole cohort not an individual candidate. An appeal regarding moderation would be a college decision.
Please be aware that there is a deadline for all services.
What do I do when the results have come out (confirmation & clearing)?
Please see the link below for advice and guidance given in PDP in relation to what to do when the results come out:
How can I get advice on UCAS/apprenticeships/Art foundations/employment?
If you have specific queries about your progression or UCAS/Apprenticeship/Art Foundation/Employment applications, one to one support is available on Thursday 15 August (8.30am to 3.00pm) and Friday 16 August (9.00am to 3.00pm) where Progression Guidance staff will be available in LRC1. If you are unable to come into college or your enquiry is after Friday 16 August, please email progression@esher.ac.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we are able to.
Divisional Directors will be available to respond to any subject/progression enquiries and provide support in LRC1 Thursday 15 August (8.30am to 3.00pm).
In order to ensure that the students who need support can access it, please only come to college if your need is urgent and you have missed out on the conditions of your university or higher education firm offer.
When will I receive my examination certificates?
Certificates will be issued by the exam boards and sent to your home address in November 2025, as appears on the college database, along with all other external exam certificates. They will be sent ‘Signed for Delivery’.
If your address changes after the end of the summer term, please notify MIShelpdesk@esher.ac.uk as soon as possible to ensure your certificates will be delivered to the correct address.
The college does NOT keep copies of certificates, so you need to look after them with care. You will be charged by the examination boards for any replacement copies.
How long can I access my college account to see my results?
Your account on the college portal will be closed from the end of September 2025. IT will advise you in the summer term of the final date. Make sure you have saved a PDF version of your results on a personal device or have printed a hard copy.