Exam Results 2024
Esher Sixth Form College celebrates the achievements of its students across both A Level and BTEC courses.

Exam Results 2024
The College is thrilled to report that our headline A Level results have further improved upon our 2023 outcomes:
- An overall pass rate of 98.3% (1.1% above the JCQ National Benchmark)
- 59.7% of grades awarded A* to B (5.8% above the JCQ National Benchmark)
- 31% of grades awarded A* and A (3.2% above the JCQ National Benchmark)
Students studying BTEC courses also achieved excellent results, with strong overall high grades (Distinction and Distinction*) achieved across our range of two-year BTEC qualifications; BTEC National Diploma (73.3%), BTEC National Sub-Diploma (90%) and BTEC National Foundation Diploma (87.5%), with pass rates across these three qualifications being 100%. On BTEC National Extended Certificate courses the pass rate was 99.6%, with 88.8% of students achieving a Merit, Distinction or Distinction*.
Of the 850 UCAS applications from Esher Sixth Form College, 86% of students have now been placed in their first choice of university.
Dan Hards, the College Principal, said, “I would like to congratulate our students and their teachers on Esher Sixth Form College’s excellent 2024 examination results. The achievements reflected in these A Level and BTEC results are a testament to the resilience, commitment, and passion of our students, as well as the unwavering support from our exceptional staff and the wider college community. We are incredibly proud of every one of our students for their accomplishments. Whether they are moving on to university, apprenticeships, or starting their careers, we are confident that the skills and knowledge they have gained during their time at Esher will serve them well in the future.”
Read more student success stories below:
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Celebrating Success
Ukrainian refugee Daria gets accepted into Cambridge
Congratulations to Daria Kucheieva, who was one of nine Esher students to be accepted into Oxbridge. Daria, who fled Ukraine three months after war broke out in 2022 with her mum and little sister, was thrilled to discover she had got her place at the University of Cambridge to study Human, Social and Political Science BA Hons.
Daria, who studied Media Studies (A), Philosophy (A) and Sociology (A*), said, “I really couldn’t believe it. My mum was sure I was getting the grades, but I was doubting it. When we opened the UCAS page, for five seconds I couldn’t speak. It feels like a fairytale.
“The UK curriculum is very broad here in terms of what you can study. In Ukraine, there is no choice, and no way of avoiding certain subjects. I have never been friendly with maths and the sciences, so I was very glad that none of these subjects were compulsory post 16.
“At Esher, it was helpful that the teachers treated me the same as everyone else. Whenever I had any problems, everyone was ready to help me. It was my Philosophy teacher Robin that first suggested I apply for Cambridge. He said that before I even got my predicted grades. I couldn’t believe what I heard. I spent months preparing my personal statement and so many people were ready to re-read it 1000 times until it was perfect. The Philosophy department at Esher was great, my teacher Tom Waterton helped me with everything. He ran support sessions and revisions session and on top of that he had extra time if I needed help, just to catch up on anything.”
Daria even completed her EPQ qualification while on the train travelling back to Ukraine in the Spring. She said, “I didn’t have the internet or data because there were power outings and therefore, I had no online resources except pre downloaded books and files. So, I just had to read and re-read what I had, and rethink things.”
She is now looking forward to her new academic life, joining Magdalene College in September.
Top Performers in the Country for Fine Art and English
The College was thrilled to learn that two students received the highest accolade of top performers in the country for their subjects.
Fine Art student, Lauren Bowen Wort – who came to us from Claremont Fan School – has been acknowledged as one of the top performers in OCR’s A Level Art and Design; Fine Art 2024 examinations. While student Georgia Coates – who came to us from The BRIT School – received the OCR award for A Level English Language and Literature.
Georgia, who is going on to study English Literature at the University of Manchester, said: “I’m very proud of myself for the result I got and I’m incredibly relieved because I put so much work in and it was so amazing to wake up this morning and see that all of that work wasn’t in vain! I thought I did well after the exams but after two months of waiting for results day I started to have doubts and overthink my exams, so I’m glad to see that wasn’t necessary.
“I really liked doing the English Language and Literature course. I enjoyed the freedom of the coursework, as I could compare ‘Stasiland’ to a wide range of books, and I could write a book review of my favourite book (‘The Secret History’) for the non-fiction section. Poetry has never been my strong suit, and I got very lucky with such a good question, but the play that Esher selected (‘Jerusalem’) is now one of my all-time favourites.
University or Degree Apprenticeships
While many students go onto university and art foundation courses, more students are now considering apprenticeships. Harry Petite, who came to us from Esher High School, was thrilled with his results, achieving an A* in 3D Design and Grade Bs in Economics and Mathematics. He is now considering his next step to either take an engineering apprenticeship with Lain O’Rourke for a career in civil engineering or take a place at Loughborough. Harry said, “I had loads of support at Esher in my subjects and also when I was thinking about my next step. I’ve got some big thinking to do now, but for the moment I am looking forward to celebrating later.”
BTEC pathways to university
Charlotte McKenzie, who came to us from Manor House School, says Esher changed her academic style dramatically. Charlotte took two A Levels in Psychology and Sociology, (achieving a Grade C and B respectively), and a BTEC in Performing Arts, she is now off to the University of York to do Business Management with a year in industry.
She says, “I got a distinction star in Performing Arts. It was so different from any of my subjects in the way it was taught, and it was an amazing experience.” Her highlight of Esher was performing the lead in the final production of Bob Fosse show. “At the end, we got a standing ovation. It was just magical.”
Sarosh Hasan, who came to us from Esher High School, took a mix of three A Levels where he achieved a grade A in Mathematics, C in Further Mathematics and a B in Physics, plus a distinction star in Music Technology BTEC. Sarosh says the camaraderie of the music department had a big impact of his time here at Esher in the friendships he made, while his love of maths and physics means he hopes to study mechanical engineering at the University of Sheffield next year.
Congratulations to all our Class of 2024, and we wish you the best of luck on your next adventure, whether that be university, apprenticeship or employment. Remember to keep in touch, join us on LinkedIn, for more information visit Esher Alumni